b.../b and Certificate of Assessment in the Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (SSBT) will take their oath before the Board on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 1:00 o' clock in the afternoon at the Fiesta Pavilion, Manila bHotel/b, One Rizal Park, Manila. b..../b PADERANGA, JOEL FUERTES; PADIOS, ARTHUR ARMADA; PAILAGA, IVAN BALANCAR; PAJARILLAGA, PEDRO MANGLICMOT; bPAJARON/b, VINCENT AMORA; PALMEJAR, JESSEL LABATORIO; PAMONAG, SPINK LIPARDO; PARRE?O, LORETO JR LEPARDO; PASANA, SEDRIC MANATO b.../b
b.../b of Assessment in the Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (SSBT) will take their oath before the Board on Friday, April 11, 2008 at 1:00 o' clock in the afternoon at the Fiesta Pavilion, Manila bHotel/b, One Rizal Park, Manila. b.../b